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About Me
maiden - mother - crone
     I have been living overseas for several years now. I am currently living and teaching in my fourth country. I have also visited over 30 countries since moving overseas. If you want to 'travel the world' I highly recommend having a job while doing it. I have seen and photographed much in my travels. I am actually thinking about the next steps in my life and moving home to California in the next few years. I have replaced my creative streak of making things to photographing things. This is due to the fact that obtaining the supplies I want to 'make' things with is more difficult over-seas. And there is really so much to photograph in the world.

Once I moved overseas I began a blog. Actually it started a few months before I moved to South Korea. However once I moved to Libya I pretty much stopped updating.

The blog includes information about traveling in Korea as well as including other places I traveled to during the two years I lived there. In addition, included are many of the same photographs I have linked up to or uploaded other places. The Libyan parts is mostly just photographs. I am debating whether or not to add the old blog to this website.

Since leaving Libya, I lived in Kazakhstan for 2 years, and currently reside in Myanmar.

me diving
This is what I was years ago. Before I moved over-seas. Just when my son had turned 20.


 Wandering soul,




Single Mother,

     former teenage mother,

          college educated,

               over achiever,


                         don't care anymore,

                              lonely mom,

                                   old fuddy duddy,

                            liberal yet somehow conservative,

                    no boyfriend,

          no sex. 

Wanna-be surfer,

     school teacher,

          wanna-be archaeologist,


          wanna-be traveler and adventurer,




          busy bee,

               painter, knitter, quilter, sketcher, doodler, sewer, sculptor,

          do, do, do or,

     lie around and watch TV.

Teaching kids right,

     new teacher..... old teacher,

                  book reader,



                    "lives in a fantasy world",

               once was a dead head,

          now just me.  Mom of man now


     Hobbits and Trolls,

          Hockey and Swimming,

               Books and Libraries,
Sweaters and Foggy Days.



Will be updated at some point in time. Time something a maiden thinks she has plenty of.